Looking Ahead
I began writing this blog post on Day 33 of quarantine/stay at home/PAUSE/whatever you prefer to call this, and as I got going, I realized I wanted to take a different approach. Originally, I was going to write about my experience thus far living in a 600 sq. ft. apartment in NYC during COVID-19 and offer how I was personally keeping my sanity. I thought it would be helpful, albeit not very interesting, for others to spark ideas on what they can do during this time. As I typed, I decided that I wanted to shift the feeling of “in the house bored” to what I am looking forward to in the coming months once we are presumably allowed to return to some ‘normalcy’.
I have always been an optimist and prefer living my life that way. Glass is always half full, I’ve made lots of lemonade over the years, and generally want to keep it that way. Therefore, instead of providing a post outlining my last month that could be described as busy yet very ho-hum, I am going to shine a little light on what is ahead for me! What I look forward to, what I miss, and what will make me feel like we are finally moving towards calmer waters.
I don’t know how much longer we will be here, but hey, can’t be too much longer, right 🙂
Snapped this on a run early April
It doesn’t get much broader than that, but I am stoked to just be able to talk with people out in public. I know we will not be back to ‘normal’ for a while and social distancing will still be practiced, which I am A-OK with. But, just being able to go out and about and be around people, albeit 6 feet apart, is something I never though I’d be looking forward to. I tiptoe the line between being extroverted and introverted. I like being out and about, but maybe not the most outgoing when it comes to strangers (safe!)
The thought of just chatting it up with the person next to me to in a coffeeshop or a group at the table next to me at happy hour has never sounded better. I have also felt devoid of emotion when interacting with the amazing people that are still performing essential services. Getting groceries each Sunday is something I have looked forward to during these trying times. It’s a chance to get out for a bit and be amongst people. However, everyone has their heads down, going about their shopping trip as quickly and safely as possible. The cash register interaction is brief and just lacks that normal smile and small talk. While I understand, it’s still sad, and I cannot wait to be able to chat up anyone and everyone. You may want to avoid me when this is all over!
Live for cold brew
Exploring My ’Hood
If you’ve listened to our podcast, The Fish Fry, you’ve learned that we moved from Chicago to New York City literally days before the PAUSE went into effect. The plus side of moving during a time like this was it allowed me to arrange, unpack, and get my apartment in order. It also allowed tons of time to finalize the launch of Gourdy’s Pumpkin Run and get a jump on planning the fall events. But, it also meant seeing the vibrant neighborhood that I had visited earlier this winter and looked forward to living in so much become a ghost town. Shutters are drawn, boards are literally in some shop windows, and everything is eerily quiet for NYC.
Once we get through this trying time, I am jazzed to support all the local businesses in the area. I am a huge coffee drinker and can’t wait to try all the neighborhood offerings. There are so many cute bars and restaurants that I look forward to enjoying a sun-soaked happy hour on their patios. My beard is also getting a little crazy, so I fully intend on finding a barber in the Lower East Side to help tame it.
In summary, my goals post-PAUSE: find the best cold brew in my neighborhood, the best patio for post-work food + bev, and someone that can replace my barbershop in Chicago!
Photo from when I was apartment hunting earlier this winter and found a pumpkin (my best Tough Pumpkin pose)
Road Trip!
I love to travel and one of the things I was excited for with this move to the east coast was the ability to go on road trips. Whether it be a quick day trip to an orchard or a short weekend in nearby city, there are so many cool spots near us now that I can’t wait to check out. It’s something about being able to hop in your car and go somewhere new that’s so freeing.
I have had plenty of time to think this over, so here is my shortlist of places I want to road trip to:
- Hudson Valley (orchards and wineries)
- Portland (seafood and craft beer)
- Philly (friends that live there plus they have an amazing food scene)
- Gettysburg (many fond memories from The Hard Cider Run events and want to go back to simply enjoy it)
- Burlington VT (one of my favorite places for their hard to find beer and running along the Lake Champlain path during summer is the best)
Oysters from a place just north of our New England event this past fall
People, exploring my city, and road tripping are my top 3 things I look forward to once we can get out and about. Who knows when that will be, but the optimist in me says it won’t be too much longer. Hopefully, this blog post becomes dated soon, as that would mean we are in a better spot. Hang in there and start thinking of what you’ll be doing here soon!